I teach courses on international relations and research methods in the social sciences. My teaching has been recognized with several university-wide teaching awards. Please e-mail me for my teaching portfolio with my teaching philosophy, teaching materials, and detailed student feedback.


POL 350 Model United Nations (AY 2024-25)

Course website with syllabus and course materials.

POL 252 International Politics (Spring 2025)

Course website with syllabus and course materials.


Introduction to R Programming for the Social Sciences (July 2024)

Course website with syllabus and course materials.


Applied Bayesian Modeling for Social Scientists (June 26-28, 2024)

Course website with syllabus and course materials.


On my computing page, you can find materials on LaTeX, R, and efficient workflows for social science computing.


Research Methods for Politics & IR (Spring 2022)
International Politics (Spring 2022, section A, B)
International Political Economy (Fall 2021)
CIE-100 Common Intellectual Experience (Fall 2021)
International Politics (Spring 2021, section A, B)
International Political Economy (Spring 2020)
Terrorism & Political Violence (Spring 2020)
International Politics (Fall 2019, section A, B)
CIE-100 Common Intellectual Experience (Fall 2019)
International Politics (Spring 2019, section A, B)
War and Peace (Capstone seminar, Fall 2018)
CIE-100 Common Intellectual Experience (Fall 2018)
Bayesian Analysis (IPSA-NUS Methods School 2018)
Multilevel Modeling (IPSA-NUS Methods School 2018)
International Politics (Spring 2018, section A, B)
International Political Economy (Fall 2017)
Terrorism & Political Violence (Fall 2017)
International Politics (Spring 2017, section A, B)
War and Peace (Capstone seminar, Fall 2016)
International Political Economy (Fall 2016)
Model United Nations (AY 2016-17)
Quantitative Research Methods (Spring 2016)
International Organization (Fall 2015)
International Conflict and Security (Fall 2015)
Quantitative Research Methods (Spring 2015)
International Organization (Fall 2014)
International Conflict and Security (Fall 2014)
War, Peace, and Strategic Defense (Fall 2013)
International Political Economy (Spring 2013)
International Organizations (May 2011)
International Law (May 2010)
Introduction to International Relations (Recitation only, Spring 2014)


My teaching has been consistently rated with highest marks by students, faculty, and recognized with four teaching awards at the universities at which I have worked.

In 2014, the Graduate School at the University of Colorado Boulder awarded me the university-wide Graduate Student Teaching Excellence Award along with a monetary prize. This award was based on a nomination by my department and several unannounced teaching observations in my classes by faculty from other departments. This award is given to about 10 graduate instructors across the whole CU-Boulder campus.

The ASSETT program in the College of Arts & Sciences at CU-Boulder awarded me the 2014 Award of Excellence as an Outstanding Teacher for Technology in Teaching. In December 2013, ASSETT asked students across the College to nominate an instructor who uses technology in outstanding ways to support student learning. They heard from over 33 students who highlighted my course "War, Peace, and Strategic Defense". The surveyed students particularly appreciated my "use of a class blog to spark discussion on current events between students". ASSETT is Arts & Sciences Support of Education through Technology, a student-funded initiative supporting the use of technology in advancing the teaching and learning mission of the College of Arts and Sciences.

I received a University-wide Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia in 2011. The Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards were established by UGA's Center for Teaching and Learning to recognize exemplary contributions by graduate students to the teaching and instructional mission of the University of Georgia.

I received the award for Outstanding Independent Sections Taught by a Graduate Student from the School of Public and International Affairs in 2011.